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Old 03-09-2014, 01:43 PM   #1
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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado
Posts: 22
69 custom 10 not starting

Hey guys, forgive me if I posted this in the wrong spot but was hoping to get some help from you.

My grandfather recently passed away and gave me his 69 custom 10 that he bought off the lot. The truck is in phenomenal shape and absolutely beautiful.

A little history about the truck, it came from Lake Havasu City Arizona and I live in Colorado Springs. I am reasonably mechanical and have done some projects on my cars over the years but not familiar at all with carbureted motors.

When It first got here I could smell it was obviously running rich so I changed the Jets two sizes if I recall correctly. It ran okay but every once in a while it felt like it would dog during acceleration. The wife drove it to school about a month and a half ago and it flat out wouldn't start. Had it towed home and have been reluctant taking It to a mechanic ever since.

Would any of you guys be willing to give me advice and help me troubleshoot it?

Thanks so much
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