Originally Posted by tonkatrux2
It's not a problem to credit me back. I can tell you that myself and the seller were not trying to do anything against rules. But we are both new had no idea. For people to chime in on this and make smart comments is uncalled for. If no one that's on the list takes them I will. It's no big deal sorry we are new and have to live and learn. Maybe some day we can all be pros on forum.
Sorry you were offended by my post.
It's just as easy to post in the thread as it is to send a PM.
This protects the buyer and the seller.
It still goes on here.
And if you look in the review board area, you will see that some members are even being taken for granted or out right stolen from.
The Admins of this board work full time to keep this from happening.
But if the transaction is done in PM,... there is no record for them to work with.
I got taken for $50 about 10 years ago.
With the help of the Admins,... I got my money back.
Again,... sorry if I offended you.