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Old 03-14-2014, 04:10 PM   #18
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Re: Stock AC? or Vintage Air? That is the question!

There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY I would trade a working factory air system for vintage air. I have cars with both, and the factory system is heads and shoulders better.

VA is ok, but the lack of fresh air intake is a huge negative. Especially in the fall, spring and winter, when temps are moderate. With a factory system, you can set the temp control anywhere from cool to hot as temps dictate, and let the fresh air coming in flow. With a VA system, you have to run the (noisy) fan and it is much harder to regulate the temp.

When the humidity is really high, you can also get times when it is cool but clammy.

The lack of outside air is purely because the systems are undersized. Take it for what its worth.
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