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Old 03-14-2014, 06:55 PM   #19
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Re: Stock AC? or Vintage Air? That is the question!

What a dilema...

So here is what I am figuring on pros and cons of keeping the old system...

Pros... Smooth firewall, clean look inside the engine bay, whole new system (probably no issues for a long time to come), less clutter under the dash for ECM and accelerator to be mounted, save lots of money on a VA system and... ?? (can't think of anything else)

Cons... Cluttered engine bay, old system needs new gaskets, O rings, replace heater motor (since system is out and easy to replace), clutter under the dash which leaves less room for me to mount the ECM and accelerator module, spending over $1200, no ventilation (no outside ventilation is a big concern of mine), possibility of something breaking as soon as I am done installing everything and ...? (can't think of anything else)

Can anyone else think of any pros or cons? I can't make up my mind! Has anyone seen any real issues with ventilation?
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