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Old 04-05-2014, 12:09 AM   #13
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Re: Langdons Stovebolt Carb. install for inline 6

88IronDuke: You don't need any bellcranks. Your cable is a much better configuration. I used to have a bellcrank on one of the corner posts of my Holley 390, connecting to linkage on the throttle. It was susceptible to binding, jamming and breaking from a lot of small parts [mini- hairpins, rod clips, etc.] Even carb icing in the mountains. Also it would not give WOT on the 4 barrel. I replaced it with a '72-style accelerator cable and it's much more reliable. A little more 'hair trigger', but it gets everything out of my Edlebrock 1404 carb. It has not been a problem in the 7 years it's been rigged with a cable/gas pedal.

Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.
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