Thread: Rear end Swap ?
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Old 04-09-2014, 04:20 PM   #17
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Smile Re: Rear end Swap ?

Originally Posted by 54blackhornet View Post
The driveshaft from the tran to rear axel has a yoke that slides back and forth, will this make up for shaft length difference ?
I don't think it will because at curb weight that slip yoke needs to be in the center of it's travel. Extending it to compensate will cause it to bottom out as suspension travels while driving. I just did a walk-thru of my yard to take a measurement but I have no 10 bolts. Plenty of 12's tho. Seems like the 10's wear out/break more than the 12's. We can't keep the 10's they go so quick. And they have those cheap a** guv-lock posi's or a tensile "s" shaped piece of steel that simply puts pressure on the spider gears. Give me a clutch type 12 bolt posi anytime over those. But if its a daily driver never off road and you don't lift it or go with oversize tires it should last a while. And you thought this would be easy and cheap? Just kidding.
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