Originally Posted by ssuesens
Recently acquired a '71 C10 Custom with the gas tank behind the seat. There is a relatively strong gasoline odor in the cab which I obviously want to get fixed IMMEDIATELY! Upon inspection I found old, tired out silicone caulking between the filler neck and the tank. I believe this is the source of the vapor leak. Aside from removing tank and filler neck to have it professionally soldered or braised, it there a product (better than silicone) which I could use to seal the area? I'm thinking something similar to JBWeld or MarineTex but must not be gas permeable.
When I first got my truck I had a gas leak as well.. nothing really worked to seal it up and stop the fumes... then i I found out how inexpensive it is to have a new spectre tank shipped to the house. It gave me excuse to replace the fuel lines, sending unit and carpet.. the spectre tank from Rockauto shipped to texas with a 5% discount is $177.78 .. not a bad price for peace of mind of a fresh new tank, Rockauto does offer a few other cheaper tanks but after some research I found that most tanks are made overseas, Spectre tanks are made in canada and fit my truck perfect.. worth the few extra bucks in my book... good luck