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Old 04-19-2014, 06:34 PM   #1
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Problem with ignition wiring on 1972 C10

Ok so I have a 1972 Chevy C10 Step side that has been sitting for a while. I'm having problems with getting fire at the plugs. I'm not for sure if the wire I'm using from the firewall is correct. It seems as though none of my wiring matches any wiring diagram that I can find. I have a pink wire that I have traced back to the ignition that I'm using for a 12 volt wire, then I have a yellow wire back to starter, which are on the positive side of the coil. Then the wire coming from the distributor on the negative side of the coil. I have replaced the coil, distributor cap, rotor button, and points and condenser! I'm puzzled? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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