Thread: Correct Mirror?
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Old 04-27-2014, 05:36 PM   #6
SS Tim
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Re: Correct Mirror?

So your truck did have the base mirrors then. Body color arm and a white/silver head (it goes both ways). As far as being a Custom Camper there were no required mirrors with the package. So anything from the base on up to the Senior West Coast mirrors could be ordered new. After that GM had several accessory options and the aftermarket was abound with some truley weird looking items.
The fixed arm mirrors do shake but still work better than the tiny DG6 of 71-72. Plus yours are surely aftermarket and are probably not up to OEM standards.
Also it was common to fix mirrors to the camper itself so they were only on with the camper for those that chose to slide the camper on and off often.
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