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Old 05-06-2014, 10:57 AM   #1
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Finally met with a guy on painting the truck

So i finally found somebody close to talke to about painting my 87 pickup. Have another local guy i am going to meet with hopefully next week and a reference from here on the board in Tennessee.

The guy yesterday seemed like a good guy but thats really about all i have to go by. I plan on asking for some pictures of prior projects next time i go back. He was referred to me by a local body shop in town.

Gave me a price of $3500. This included removing all of the trim, front and rear bumpers, back windshield, door glass, all seals, door panels, removing the bed, spraying the base coat, a couple clear coats, wet sanding the whole truck and then another layer of clear after. He is also going to spray in my bed liner (Raptor). He gave me a book for color samples to take home and look at. Said it would be about a month before he could take it in and would probably take him about 2 months to finish. All in all, thought it was a pretty good price for the amount of work. He said the truck needed almost no body work and the only real issue is the driver side hinge that needs to be rebuilt i guess to get rid of some sag.

Plan is to go with Cyber Gray Metallic for the color. Also a 2.5/4 drop. On the fence right now on keeping the rally wheels or getting new rims as well. LOL.
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