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Old 05-07-2014, 11:16 AM   #10
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Re: Loss of power after RP swap

thanx for the info guys. I have replaced everything under the hood tune up wise. Plugs, cap, rotor, fuel pump, coil, wires, and a petronix module. the carb definitely needs a rebuild. I have the kit but have been driving too much to want to take it off the road for down time. I have a complete CPP disc brake kit and new springs all around. I will build the carb when it is down for that work.
Some one else told me that a TH350 loves the highway gears and should work nicely
I do not have a tach so I am not sure of my RPM's. It doesn't sound like I am killing it. The hills aren't too bad and my issues are usually from a dead stop. If I have some good speed going I do not lose too much. Maybe drop 10-15 mph.
The clutch is original and in need of replacement so maybe that could be a culprit as mentioned above.
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