Originally Posted by mcbassin
Very cool truck. A bunch of nice parts you have upgraded too. I'm going to follow along too.
Yes, please follow along! When I first tracked the truck, I used simpler parts. However, as I became a better driver - I found the limitation of the parts, thus making the truck unpredictable/dangerous as I hit the performance limit of my brakes and shocks (for example).
Due to the competition I have entered, the rule book states SFI or FIA approved parts ONLY. For track days SFI equipment has to be upgraded every 2 years, FIA every 5 years. In this case FIA is the better bargain. But that all boils down to where you drive, how you run/drive, and the rules you have to follow.
As for the rest of the truck. I drive it to the track, run hard, and drive it home. Long ago I decide not to use a tow vehicle and trailer and put that money into making the truck tough as nails. To build it tough, I use proven/custom parts so the truck survives and in turn and most importantly - I survive.