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Old 05-08-2014, 08:20 AM   #194
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Re: Carolina K10, 1979 Reg cab short bed.

Originally Posted by TheBlueBomber View Post
I plan on going with some $30 adapter plates for the motor mounts. As for the headers I'll end up using the stock ones for now. The cool thing about the LS is I can flip the manifolds upside down and use them for the turbo setup if I wanted to.

Does that 2001 truck have rear disc brakes?
$30 adapter plates? Where are you finding them that cheap? I have heard that stock manifolds need the frame touched up a bit on passenger side.

Yes the 2001 does have stock rear disc brakes with 1 piston calipers. I plan to take the brake master cylinder and distribution block off the 2001 as well. I am not sure if the booster off the 01 will work on my truck though. I am trying to do as much research as I can. I know the 01 rearend is about 1" or 2" wider than my 87 but that is fine with me!
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