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Old 05-12-2014, 12:30 PM   #29
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Re: Targa Truck '71 GMC build - The first truck in Targa Newfoundland

A quick update. The truck is out getting 'caged at the moment. Hoping to have photos to share. It took a few discussions with tech to get some agreement on the design. More on that to come.

One of the purchases I ended up making was wheels. Was hoping to avoid it, but more tire is always handy, and to be honest the weight of my current wheels is killing me - not as young as I once was.

These comps are not done - the illustrator did me a few quickies so I could pick a wheel colour. AND the truck will not be this low with my current suspension set-up, but you get the idea.

Name:  targa_truck_rough_sml.jpg
Views: 2004
Size:  74.7 KB

I'm not going to "murder" the truck out as that's not my deal. And let's face it, so many people are build this era that being unique is not gonna happen. So, I'm just going to get what I like. Really digging the all copper/tan colour (7), maybe with silver hoops (2).
Targa Truck The first truck in Targa Newfoundland.
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