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Old 01-05-2004, 09:26 PM   #5
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I know guys that are doing it just like you said. Keeping only one hub locked at a time. You can never use it on road. Off road you keep only one wheel locked til you get to a situation where you need full lock. It works great. You'll need a D60 like Chevy guy said. The problems Are: you have to get out of your truck way too often, you break stuff, no 4x4 on road, and you cannot turn worth sh*t when both fronts are locked. The benifit: Absolutly kick ass traction in mud and on rock. I've seen this settup in action and it definately works if you don't mind trading off all the other stuff.

In my opinion if you still have D44, you should fork out the $200 (introductory price) and get the Aussie locker. It's supposed to be the most front freindly locker out there. Check this link:
You can't get out if ya don't get in
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