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Old 05-16-2014, 10:35 AM   #10
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Re: Grabbing Rear Brake on '71

Originally Posted by DreamRyder1963 View Post
I don't usually use my e-brake because I had an issue with it getting stuck anytime it was engaged and sat for a couple hours. It would go back to normal as soon as it heated back up. It probably needs to just be replaced but its low on the list since this is my dd.
Since it went back to normal you may be able to just lube it to make it work without binding. I've heard of some problems with aftermarket ones not being exact. Regardless, I see your point.
68 GMC 250/3 speed Saginaw p/b p/s
69 Chevy 350/350 currently in pieces still lookin for a cab
06 Trailblazer
I just want a vehicle that I can work on, that won't talk to me, leave error msgs or keep track of how I drive...
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