I know it might cost a hair more, but I use the UPS Store near my house.
I pay for them to box it up, and for one item I am glad they did the job and not me.
UPS actually lost an '64 olds 330 steel forged crank. I sold it on ebay for over 200.
The UPS people packaged up the flexplate in it also..
Guess what they lost..
The DAM Crank..How the heck do you lost a 68lbs item and not the flexplate..
I had to prove with a paypal reciept, because they had a hard time believing me that I sold an engine crank for that much, and paid for 300 insurance on it.They didn't want to pay me for the 300(the people at the store didn't have a problem, they wanted to repay me and the shipping cost)
Needles to say 3 weeks later I got a call from the store I use and had a check waiting for me with my flexplate..( got the amount of insurance back +shipping cost..
I still deal with the UPS Store
1 i get a military discount
2 It falls on them when a box breaks not on me.
thats why in my auctions I state buyer pays S&H (handling being getting a box)..
IMO the signed for item is no longer your responsability, that gentleman need to deal with Fed Ex and see why the let someone else other than him sign for it..
Good luck Randy and sorry for not stepping up and getting a steeringbox off ya