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Old 05-22-2014, 08:48 PM   #7
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Re: Attempting my first build 72 K5

Originally Posted by 72K5CSTDarkOlive View Post
The engine I ordered is coming with an electric fuel pump.. My question is.. I plan on ordering the orginal pre bent fuel lines from GMC pauls, but since it's an electric fuel pump, I have a feeling the original fuel lines wont line up because from what I understand the electric fuel pump has to be in a different location.

Can anyone confirm this for me? If the original pre-bent ones don't work. what are my options to run SS fuel lines?
I dont know much about elect. pump mounts, but, cant you cut out a section of the fuel line and mount it on the frame rails. Would be cool to use AN fittings if that is what is on your pump, than you could flare fuel lines and use barrel sleeves and nuts.

Nut and sleeve go on first in the proper orientation, then flare....dont ask how i know
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AS usual, off topic

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