Thread: Axel problems?
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Old 05-26-2014, 12:34 AM   #6
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Re: Axel problems?

There were no shims on either side of the carrier. The passenger side seemed perfectly fine, as shown in this photo. There was some pitting on the drivers side bearing but only on two bearings. Pinion was perfect no slop no pitting. Ring gear had some pitting on the back side of the teeth but not the drive side. I thought maybe it had some water in it at one time. But I've had the truck for 12 years and never had to any seals or anything. Never had any clunking or whining or hums. Always seemed fine. I haven't driven it much only a few trips that were 600+ miles when I moved but it was a quiet champ then. I was really surprised that there were no shims.
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