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Old 05-30-2014, 03:01 PM   #1
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Another 454 Valve Adjusting Question?

I've adjusted the valves on SBC and BBC my whole life but I noticed something I never noticed before and that concerns me! While doing a running adjustment on my 1973 C20 454 I noticed on some of the studs (the rocker arms are nutted down to) show more threads than others, a few studs show 2 threads, a few show 3 threads and a few show 4 threads! I know they all should be pretty much even so I'm assuming on a high mileage engine some lifters may be a little week and require more tightening, is the right or should I make them all as even as possible?

I know the image is a SBC and not a running adjustment, I just found any old valve adjustment pic for reference.
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