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Old 06-03-2014, 03:12 PM   #9
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Re: Lose the death wiggle

Originally Posted by FirstOwner69 View Post
Trailer sway can usually be reduced or eliminated by running 10% to 15% (target 12%) of the gross trailer weight on the hitch. I'd check that before replacing expensive steering components unless you know the components are worn to the point of needing replacement. For the boat pictured above, I'd drop the hitch until the trailer is level. Then check the tongue weight (at that height) vs. the gross load (trailer plus boat, fuel and gear). If not near 12% you can move the trailer axles rearward. For that size boat and a dead weight hitch, it doesn't look like much weight on the back of the Suburban. I'd guess that boat, trailer and gear weigh at least 4500#-5000#. If so, weight on the hitch should be 550# to 600#.
I didn't know all that. Thanks for posting. I pull a boat with mine and had it up to 65 mph with no problems, though it isn't near as big as the one in the pic (single axle trailer). I must be in the sweet spot.
It's not that I am apathetic, I just don't care.

If your life is a joke, it appears death will be your punchline.
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