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Old 06-03-2014, 07:27 PM   #5
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Re: Rear Shock Question?

Just a follow up...
I used the lower pins, or rather replaced the lower pins.
The "originals" were actually loose and I think it was PO that did that.
The ones in use were also loose.
My new ones are not loose.
It is impossible to work a ratchet inside the frame itself, but I was able to file the new pins to accept a 15/16" open end wrench.
That let me get the last bit on them to tighten up and will also aid in removal years from now.
All in all, the job went as well as it could and I believe my ride is improved, but will know more when I actually haul a load in the bed and bounce my way on and off the Miller Ferry Boat.

BTW...$47 Monroes and $7-8 Mounts.
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