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Old 06-13-2014, 11:10 AM   #24
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Re: Convert to serpentine?

Got one of mine on this site with a steering pump,and rebuilt alternator (internally regulated with way more power than stock) for $100 shipped. A new water pump and Sanden air compressor or delete bracket and I am off and running. Sell the old system to recoup costs and I'm even better.
Tensioner - I like it up in front where I can get to it easily in the event I have an issue.
Of course there are all the hidden modifications that go along with modernizing your belt system-Changing the fitting on the new steering pump to the old pump style-easy-setting up your charging system for the internally regulated alt.-a little harder-reverse flow water pump means reverse fan or electric setup-easy to difficult- Afew other issues I may have missed.
That said I love how bright my headlights are(no relays)
love how it doesn't slip belts (auto tensioner)
Much better access to accessories for repair
and probably the biggest hooray for me is---wait for it---
No brackets needed for accessories to your exhaust= easy header installs.
They do HAVE a bracket initially installed on the exhaust but it is not really needed.
70 swb 4x4 406sbc 700r4 203/205 d60/14blt locker yadda yadda Yeller
72 Blazer 2wd conversion project "No Daggum Money" LS1-T56 3.73 LSD super budget build
Blanco-2014 Sierra SWB
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