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Old 06-25-2014, 12:13 PM   #2
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Re: Good ol general advice ^_^

Welcome to the site you will find lots of great people on here that care about trucks and people and are willing to help both. You most certainly can put a TH350 behind a 250 6 cyl motor and there is no shame in that. If you did indeed have your heart set on a small block 350 however, I say just wait it out and put one in when you can afford it that way you are starting with what you want instead of what you have. When a person builds a truck and gets part way through it and then feels like he has cut corners or needlessly made errors in the build process it will hamper the rest of the build taking away from the end result. I know family emergencies are bound to happen if you do have family hopefully all is good and everything is righted now and focus can once again turn towards the truck. there are things you can do to your truck before a motor change while waiting on a motor but if you had it in your plan I'd stay with it or else I feel you will be letting yourself down in the long run on this project, not that the 6 isn't a great motor. it is. Jim
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