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Old 06-25-2014, 01:43 PM   #5
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Re: Good ol general advice ^_^

Just focus on what is necessary to have a running and reliable rig first, especially if money is tight. If you just do that, you can sock away whatever you can save so you can eventually get the motor/tranny combo you want.

I the 6 can be loved up a little, I would do that, and wait until you can get a 350 crate motor. Used motors are always a gamble, unless you know it's history (close friend, etc). And if you buy one to rebuild it, that will very likely cost you more than the crate motor, unless you know a machinist/rebuilder.

Speaking of crate motors, Jegs runs a special on e-bay once in a while. They have recently had GM Goodwrench's on their for about $1200 shipped to your door. Gonna be hard to beat that rebuilding one.
1972 Chevy C-10, SWB, Fleet, 350/350, PS, PB, HEI, mostly stock, Survivor.
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