Originally Posted by slikside
Just focus on what is necessary to have a running and reliable rig first, especially if money is tight. If you just do that, you can sock away whatever you can save so you can eventually get the motor/tranny combo you want.
I the 6 can be loved up a little, I would do that, and wait until you can get a 350 crate motor. Used motors are always a gamble, unless you know it's history (close friend, etc). And if you buy one to rebuild it, that will very likely cost you more than the crate motor, unless you know a machinist/rebuilder.
Speaking of crate motors, Jegs runs a special on e-bay once in a while. They have recently had GM Goodwrench's on their for about $1200 shipped to your door. Gonna be hard to beat that rebuilding one.
I had a '72 GMC that had that same motor and transmission years ago. Fantastic combination. Not over the top, easy to drive rock steady dependable.
Like mentioned in other threads, make it safe and comfortable to drive as it is then take the time to plan for upgrades and such. You might find the 3 OTT a fun a different experience like I did and keep it! I have also had a 3 OTT with a 305 in front of it, but it was not as fun as the 6.
One thing for sure is the 3 OTT is a security feature as most thieves nowdays will be lost in trying to drive it.
Keep us posted and by the way we like pictures!