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Old 06-26-2014, 09:47 PM   #27
69 MOD
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Re: Did I Stumble Into a Highlander?

Well as my luck usually goes it didn't go exactly as planned...

I drove down to pick the truck up today, when I got there I was greeted with "so you took a bunch of stuff last night?"

NO I said...

Well guess what stuff was missing...

First, the trim in the box, all the good stuff vanished, the crappy bent up shiz was left there..

Second (and the part that sunk my heart) the glove box was raided...owners manual/operators manual/Protect-a-plate and spare trim clips All Gone...I wanted to cry

I know it's not the end of the world but what makes someone steal stuff?

If I would have known (hindsight) I would have grabbed all the stuff in the glove box before I left.

But she's home and got a well deserved bath to get all the tree sap and leaves off!!

Let the games begin...

'71 GMC 2500 Custom Ol Blue
'72 Custom Deluxe Highlander Stuffed Olive
'73 Trans Am
'13 Silverado 2500 Duramax Storm Trooper
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