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Old 07-01-2014, 01:12 PM   #7
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Re: Coil Spring Rear End Suspension Cup Bolts & Washer

Originally Posted by 68'CTown View Post
I was installing my coil spring rear end on my 1968 Chevy Truck C10 last night and ran into problems with the coil spring cup bolts and washer. The reproduction coil spring cup kit that I purchased came with hardware. My dad and I tried to install the coil springs and cups with the reproduction bolts but the problem was the bolts were to short were they wouldn't catch to the cup with the nut on it. Lucky my dad tells me every time to save everything that I take off my truck. I had the original bolts for the coil spring cup and there was a difference in size. Here are some pictures to show you want I mean.
Some aftermarket vendors simply do not care if they send the correct hardware or not. They believe that there are enough suckers out there to replace every repeat customer they might have had if they had supplied the correct stuff. Cross that vendor off your list and move on. Let the pressure from the marketplace force them to fix their sales strategy or they can go the way of the Dodo and vanish from that market. LMC has become one of these. Cheap stuff made in China and served up with a hearty "we don't care".
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