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Old 07-12-2014, 10:36 PM   #1
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68 disk/power brake conversion questions.

Hey guys, I got my 68 today and I'm pumped. I am looking at upgrading the factory drums up front to power disk brakes. I have read through this page ---> and a few others and this is what I have decided. I wish to keep the 6 lug set up, so I guess I will need to find tie rod ends, spindles, ball joints, calipers, and lower control arms from an 88-98 2wd 6 lug chevy.
here come the questions...

what else will i need, brake lines, master cyl etc?

and what year brake booster should I be looking at.

I do have an 85 c10 I can rob parts off of, but I don't want 5 lug, and I don't want to buy that expensive 6 lug conversion kit for it.
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