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Old 07-21-2014, 04:27 AM   #2
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Re: 1972 K10 - Steering Column Shaft needs to be replaced

Carefully put it back together, make real sure you have the steering wheel where you want it, and weld it. I can think of no other way except to replace the column, I assume this one was working for you except the turn signal switch.

I mean, what's the worse could happen, you have to replace the column next time? That's where you are now, right? You could take your time and find one for a floor shift, and consider putting a later model one with the key on the column. They do make the wiring adaptors to use the ignition switch on the 73-87 column. You could probably find a tilt from a 73-87. Black goes with yellow OK plus matches your gauge panel.

Not sure if you could match the door keys to the ignition switch but maybe. You could remove the old ignition key/switch and install another 12V receptacle. You and your significant other could recharge your phones at the same time while you have a nice Sunday drive.

Wiring adaptor Part number 500257 $8.00.
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