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Old 08-02-2014, 08:05 PM   #27
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Re: Getting Hot on the Freeway

I wanted to thank you all for the info on this post I was having the same issues using a late model shroud with my flex fan (I know evil). every time I get over 65 the temp gauge would almost peg slow down below 65 and it would drop to the middle. it all started after I did a tire change and added that shroud. pulled the shroud off this morning did a 140 mile road trip 70+ the whole way and never even got to the middle and it's over 90 today. Thanks again! I would have never thought the shroud would be causing it I was actually trying to find taller gears so I could lower my highway rpm's hoping that would fix it!
1969 Chevy C10 2wd stepside longbox
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