Coming from and living in Michigan my whole life, you have to understand that seeing rust free sheet metal gives me goosebumps (the good kind). The earliest model year vehicle you are going to find in just about any Michigan salvage yard is around 1990 (complete with rust up to the door handles) and most will not let you roam around.
I did not mind paying $2.00 to look around. I could have spent the whole day there but Arizona sun starts to get really hot on a bald head around 11:00 am

This was much better than spending $20.00 for a movie and a bucket of pop corn in my opinion.
I do agree that the Hollywood-ization (if that is even a word) has escalated the prices of a lot of things like salvage cars. There t-shirt prices ($25-$27) just like Gas Monkey Garage and Orange County Choppers are enough to cover every employees salary.
However you want to look at it, there is a lot of classic American iron that can be saved from the crusher.
Contact me on all of your gauge cluster needs. I specialize in restoration, repair and parts sales for 67-72 Chevy and GMC trucks. email me at
I am also a dealer for Counterpart for gauge cluster parts only.
Also see my facebook page, CG&C