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Old 08-11-2014, 12:36 PM   #14
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Re: vapor lock/electric fuel pump

Originally Posted by runamuck View Post
Thanks for thew great insight. Today when I got home I hooked up the timing light, but couldn't get it started, it would sputter, and backfire, even lite the carb on fire once, so I got my wife to try to start it @ the ignition, and I loosened the distributor and turned it while she was cranking it, at one point it started right up and idled fine after turning the distrubutor clockwise. I marked where the distrubutor was at befor I turned it, and I ended turning it about 1/2 inch clockwise. I then checked the timing with the light, and it's now set, according to the marks @ it is now a little bit past the 12 degrees btdc, and it seemed to run o.k, at least sitting at idle at 10 degrees btdc, so I guess apparantly it did jump time. Do you think I need to remove timing chain cover now and see if maybe there is a chiped tooth, or just run it like it is? Tomarrow I'm going to test drive it and see if my vapor lock problem is gome with the new pump, @ 4 1/2 lbs fuel pressure. My reason I believe it jumped time is it ran great before, except it seemed to vapor lock,and all I did was install a electric "red" holly pump, tighten the intake manafold bolts, and after that started it and sucked the quilt into the fan, so I guess it might vave gave the crank damper a shock as the quilt wrapped around it all and caused the timing chain to jump, I can't explain the timing getting off so much any other way. What do you guys think?
oop's, i meant I turned the distrubutor counter clockwise to get it to run
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