Thread: 383 stroker
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Old 08-13-2014, 02:01 PM   #10
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Re: 383 stroker

FWIW, I built a 383 in 2004. I still use it today. My truck is NOT a daily driver but I do plow in the winter and pull a 3200 or so pound bass boat around in the summer. Back in 2004 they were just coming up with low priced kits that were complete rotating assemblies. I had previously worked with an old school machine shop/engine builder guy that worked for cash out of his house. He had a used 400 crank that he didn't need and I had an itch to replace the cam eating 350 in my pickup after replacing the cam for the 3rd time in the 10 years I had owned it. Like snipescastle2 is talking about, if you know a local, competent machine shop, you'll come out way cheaper. I keep a text file with what I paid in a folder with pictures of my build. I wanted to assemble it myself but something got in the way and this old school guy I was working with was happy to put the bottom end together for me for $75.

I've posted this break down before. And remember, this was 2004 but that was before the economy went to heck so maybe this isn't too far out of whack with what it would cost today...

383 related parts & labor:
400 Balancer (used).........................30
Balance job ..................................200
Cut con rods for cam clearance .........20
400 flywheel...................................30
clearance block for con rod clearance..15

ARP con rod bolts ............................38
Oil pump drive...................................8
Oil pump sump...................................9
Performance engine Kit: Sealed power moly rings,
Fel pro gaskets, con rod bearings, main bearings,
cam bearings, block plugs, 383 pistons, three piece
timing set, oil pump ........................317
R&R block plugs ...............................10
degrease block ................................35
deck block ......................................50
bore & deck-plate hone cyl(s).............80
deck-plate charge............................10
Remove, install, & fit cam bearings.......25
Recon con rods ...............................80
Pin fit new pistons............................28
Assemble short block ........................75
Sales tax ........................................26.13
Total ===>.................................$1286.13

The guy had to charge me sales tax on the parts like the timing set. I used "383 pistons" that allowed me to use my 350 rods. The wrist pin is higher up in the piston to allow for the longer stroke.

And don't get too wrapped up in needing a 4-bolt main block. I used a 2-bolt main block out of a 1971 Monte Carlo that I loved but MN salty roads got the better of. If you really want a 4-bolt block, I got a bare one I'll never use that I would let go for $50 if you pick it up.

And since EVERYBODY likes pictures and since I have the folder open, how about a before an after from 2004...
Attached Images
'70 cab, '71 chassis, 383, TH350, NP205.
'71 Malibu convertible
'72 Malibu hard top
Center City, MN
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