Thread: 383 stroker
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Old 08-13-2014, 03:49 PM   #12
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Re: 383 stroker

I am presently on my third stroker engine in my fun truck. The first was put together by what all of th elocals said was the "BEST" kid to buiild a stroker engine, since he built a lot of Roundy Round track cars. That went very well (Bullsh4t), that kid was more interested in making some bucks and not investing it in the customers project. He purchased some off-the-wall parts form the paper flyers tha all of the machine shops get and put in lower grade roller rockers, and other parts. After 15,000 miles that enigne was showing signs of geredation. I then went to my next machine shop and through him we have now built a couple engines. Engine #2 was destroyed when I broke a rod on #3 cylinder, so the thought process we used on selecting rods was not the best. Engine #3 will take some more heartier abuse until it fails. I did H beam rods, forged crank and then used my upper end parts from the #2 engine build, which was Comp Cams rolloer cam and Magnum roller rockers. I like my storker engine for the power that it can develop, but when you build, do it right the first time and watch the quality of parts used.
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