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Old 09-11-2014, 03:11 PM   #14
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Re: Spid and Truck Anomaly on New Truck

Originally Posted by magwakeenercew2jh View Post
That really *is* interesting.

Nothing sinister going on, for sure. And, "....there are seven million stories in the Naked City", as the T.V. show lead-in used to say.
Lots of time has passed...anything is possible.

But, I think someone was sitting at a typewriter at that plant inputting special order info....That's pretty cool.

Since RAT was made out of two trucks, I made a SPID up using the correct important numbers. VIN, etc. have to be honest numbers.
So, any changes and are well documented and disclosed. And, this SPID's a kind-of a joke for the next buyer to point to and say,
"....this guy made this SPID to match the truck."

Of course, I'll be long dead by then. But all the documentation is there for all to see.
hahaha, i need one with option line KNB - knuckle blood
Built not bought!
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