this is my new truck. (Kevin) 1969 w/350 four speed. Previous owner had it for 20 years as a work truck. Cheap respray job only a couple years old and already chipping and you can see the blue paint underneath. overall, not bad for 3100 and 500 rounds of .223
Is it worth it to upgrade to 4wd? I live at 3500 ft and snow in the winter. already have a subaru and a F250 4X4. would love to hear input on upgrade of front disc brakes as well...
Also- I really want a tachometer, but I HATE the stupid tuner "race" add-on tachs. how can I install an original-looking tach into the center position above the steering column on the dash?
Last edited by kevin69; 09-15-2014 at 05:06 PM.