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Old 09-27-2014, 05:16 PM   #13
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Re: Later model serpentine belt brackets on early 70s LS9 small block

Thanks for all the info. Processing it all in my head right now...

My head casting numbers look to read 3998993. I think they are thick heads by looking at the dip stick tube

I do think at the very least the lower hole was drilled and tapped. It looks to have gone through the outer wall into what I think is the coolant area. While I'm at the store I'm going to see if I can find some plugs to put in there.

A little nervous about drilling... It is pretty strait forward but I'd hate to screw it up! I'll muster up the courage eventually.

Stupid side question... Is it possible to swap the wheels on these water pumps (finger pointing to them)? I'd like to use the chrome one over the junk yard one but the holes for the pulley are too far out for the pulley.
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