Originally Posted by greywurm
Thanks for all the info. Processing it all in my head right now...
My head casting numbers look to read 3998993. I think they are thick heads by looking at the dip stick tube
I do think at the very least the lower hole was drilled and tapped. It looks to have gone through the outer wall into what I think is the coolant area. While I'm at the store I'm going to see if I can find some plugs to put in there.
A little nervous about drilling... It is pretty strait forward but I'd hate to screw it up! I'll muster up the courage eventually.
Stupid side question... Is it possible to swap the wheels on these water pumps (finger pointing to them)? I'd like to use the chrome one over the junk yard one but the holes for the pulley are too far out for the pulley.
Yes, the 993's are thick casting.
Looks like 2 holes in the picture in the red square are re-drilled. I'd get some allen screws or bolts or bolt stock, JB weld them in and grind flush.
Hey, you got at least one hole drilled all the way through already. What's one more? LOL You can fix it.
Only stupid question is the one you didn't ask.
You could re-drill the proper holes, but I don't think that pump will work. All automotive small block chevys turn clockwise, but don't forget, serpentine belt set-up takes a reverse rotation (counter clockwise) pump, fan and fan clutch due to the routing of the belt. I'm not sure that B&M is a reverse rotation pump, it has a boss for a v-belt power steering bracket on one side and bosses for v-belt smog pump on the other, and a v-belt alternator boss on the top. V-belt small block water pumps are standard rotation (clockwise).