Originally Posted by Lee H
In order to correctly measure and adjust pinion angle the vehicle needs to be fully assembled, or weighted down front and rear, and at the desired ride height. That's also the right time to center the differential.
Couldn't agree more. Also, pinion angle will need to be rechecked once the suspension "settles". I put a 4-6 drop on my truck along with replacing every bushing in both front and rear. When I put it on the ground I could put my closed fist between the top of the tire and the lip of the fenders but after 3 weeks of driving and debugging everything settled and I barely had an inch between the top of the tires and the fender lip. That made my pinion angle change dramatically.
Left photo is the day the assembly was finished, right side is three weeks later. The only difference is the gas tank is full in the photo on the right and the exhaust cutouts are connected.