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Old 10-14-2014, 02:48 PM   #48
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Re: Headlight thread

Oh, don't get me wrong I used to carry a small Maglite around with me all the time. Then I found the little LED tacticals and now the Maglite is long retired and I carry a single AA cell Fenix LED tactical around everywhere I go, it's a great light. However.... one of the reasons I carry a light is to read the labels and printing on cables and wire and to read serial number tags and stamped markings in metals, and a Maglite did this well, the brighter the better, but with the tactical you have to turn it down to dim, or even use it on an angle because the bounce back glare makes all this writing unreadable. Same thing that LED and HID lights do on the road, a lot of the "brighter" light you see is light bouncing back at you from light colored objects in your field of view.

Here is a good experiment for you, try and read some of the small writing on a dollar bill in a dimly lit room with your LED converted Maglite then try it with a regular Maglite. Also note that focus is pretty ineffective with the LED vs the Krypton bulb and I don't know about the Maglites that come already LED but the conversions I did on some of my old 2 AA ones came with a non-adjustable focus reflector to replace the original one.
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