Thread: 1970 C10 advice
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Old 10-21-2014, 04:09 AM   #10
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Re: 1970 C10 advice

Originally Posted by mlbrickey View Post
Hello all, I am new here and was looking to get some advice. I have a 70 C10 with stock 350 small block. I am wanting to change out my intake and carb. It's currently the stock intake and 2b carb. Any thoughts on what my options might be. I will use it mostly as a vehicle I drove a couple of days a week. Like it to be a little aggressive but not crazy. Thanks
What's the budget?
If you don't have much money, go to the local U-Pull-It and get a nice electric choke quadrajet and quadrajet manifold. If you have much to choose from you should be able to find a nice stock aluminum manifold that they used from the late 70s to about 85, make sure it is not too corroded. You can get an EGR blockoff plate or leave the valve on just don't use it. Select a quadrajet from 1980-89 305-454 Chevy/GMC trucks with electric choke and you will get the equivalent of an Edelbrock 1904. You might be able to run it without repair, you might need to have a kit installed maybe you can do that yourself. Quadrajet will probably work best on your application if you have the small 2bbl intake valves. If it bogs, merely tighten the secondary air flapper.

Sadly, Edelbrock stopped making them so that was the last of the new quadrajets however more and more people are rebuilding them $.

If you have some loose change in your pockets new is always better, and the edelbrock performer manifold and edelbrock performer AFB are always good choices but I believe you can save a little on the Summit brands and have very good parts/success.

A cross between a Motocraft and a Holley, great reviews; 279.97$ shipped

This intake 131.97$


Carb studs
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