Re: Closed Knuckle Steering Question.
Kimble I couldn't tell you if they were loose or not as I didn't realize there was a problem until they totally failed. There was no indicator leading up to there failure. I try to remind myself that 40 + year old technology was never designed for the usage and trends in use today. I checked the torque more to hopefully catch an impending failure before the fact as I don't believed the failed because they were loose just under designed for bigger tires and power steering.
On a separate note, I found your built tread about 2 weeks ago. I found it to be quite inspirational! It's motivated me to get started on my neglected 63 K10 short fleet side. I've owed it for 27 years. It hasn't been on the road since 2006. If there was a law against old truck abuse, I'd be doing time.........