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Old 11-12-2014, 03:45 PM   #7
Classic Heartbeat
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Re: 69-72 4X4 Molded Upper Radiator Hose

Been trying to come up with products that are not on the market yet or have been discontinued. These may work on the I-L6 but am not sure I produced these from a complete 4x4 set with V-8. Still working on the blue spicer knobs but the company that says that they will make them are working on Ford stuff first. New product development has not proven to be easy and has proven to be very time consuming, so I am doing the best I can as fast as I can.
What makes them for 4x4s. is it because the engine is mounted in the rearward position? if this is so than they should work for engine transplants where the engine stands are left in the 6 cyl. positions. Correct?
Stands to reason. Just haven't tried it myself. WES
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