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Old 11-30-2014, 12:26 PM   #9
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Re: Long bed To short bed conversion

Originally Posted by YBNORML View Post
I was thinking the exact same thing.
You think its a promotion?

I did my own conversion and there are a lot more factors than just cutting and welding.
The exhaust, brake lines, drive line, and ebrake cable all need to be shortened, new holes for rear bumper mount, cab mounts moved etc.etc.. I think if the bed shortening is included... $1800 is a fair price. But after looking at the craigslist post, I cant say I would venture to that guy. I could be wrong, but it seems like something some guy does out of his home shop, note the frame didnt even get cleaned/sand blasted. The bed looks nice, but how many shops will warranty a cut and welded frame? When I was thinking about shortening mine, I called around to get a quote and wss told by most shops that they wouldn't do it for liability reasons. Only 2 shops told me they would do it and one of them is a close friend.
Built not bought!
My dad always tried to convince me HEI was pointless!
Welding is a lot like sex, you don't have to be great with the rod as long as you thoroughly prep the surface and your good at grinding
My build : 68 C10 Short Bed Conversion
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