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Old 01-05-2015, 01:56 PM   #5
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Re: Battery dies but alternator tested OK?

Originally Posted by mrolds88 View Post
1 wire alternators are good for tractors that don't have accessories. If you want to get rid of the external regulator, just get a later 70's or early 80's GM alternator and be done with it. They are simple to retrofit and you can go to any auto arts, anywhere and pick up a replacement. Heres a good way to do it.
Well nuts, i just got a 1-wire off of ebay. ( emailed seller to try and cancel transaction....after some more reading, there are apparently more downsides to a 1-wire than I thought) Thank you for the enlightenment.

Can you tell me what the difference is from a 1-wire as compared to the "later 70's or early 80's GM alternator" that you mentioned?

What is the bad part of having accessories and a 1-wire alt?

Thank you very much.

Bill--can you get me the model number or part number and manufacturer of your solid state that you use? Thank you

Last edited by jumpsoffrock; 01-05-2015 at 02:18 PM.
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