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Old 01-25-2015, 03:36 PM   #1
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Location: Miami beach Florida
Posts: 16
general help on 250 to 305 swap

hello everyone. i have a 72 with a 250/3 speed in it. i just bought a 305/350 combo. id like to get some general info on more or less what ill need for the swap and what you guys recommend. i know ill need motor mounts and stuff but will i need frame stands and motor crossmember? please excuse me but in all honesty i know very little about this stuff. i kinda jumped into this project blindly and I'm learning as i go but i have very little knowledge. i have a few friends that are into map cars and are helping me a bit but they don't know much about this stuff either. I'm kinda on a budget if not id pay someone to do it and I'm actually paying someone to store it since i live in a apt so the sooner i do this the better. just a general run through and more or less what ill need would be very welcome. thanks a lot
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