Originally Posted by MjrBummer
Also, when you say, "Find a GM P30 bread truck that has a straight axle and you can use the spindles with a small mod", what kind of mods did you have to do?
Here is an paragraph from the Stovebolt fourm
The thickness of the I-beam axle end where it fits into the spindle is the same for both P-30 and 2 ton AD axles, About 3.050".
The angle that the kingpin leans in, known as kingpin inclination angle, best I can measure is the same for both axles.
Kingpin length is essentially the same, and the lock pin groove is in the same place.
Now it would be to easy if everything was the same... here is the major difference:
The kingpin diameter on the 2 ton axles is 1.109", and on the P-30 it is 1.179".
Two methods of adapting the P-30 spindles to the old axle:
Use thicker walled bushings, but I've been unable to find any ready made ones. You can order oversize bronze ones and turn and bore them to suit, probably have to mill the grease groves too.
Or you can make thin sleeves to press in the kingpin bores in the spindles to adapt them to the original size smaller OD bushings. So far I like this idea best. I'd use green loctite sleeve retaining compound so they stay put, and in the future new kingpins and bushings are an off the shelf item.
The 1.109" kingpin kit you would use is NAPA # 262-1016. There are other similar kits but this is the best choice from what I can see because it comes with gaskets for the caps on the P-30 spindles, not steel plugs like the old 2 ton had, it has bronze bushings not plastic, and has a ball thrust bearing not a thrust washer. It's also cheaper and easier to get than the other possibly suitable kits.