how many bolts r holding on the front driver side fender, need to take it off too pund out some dents, do i need to brace anything?
lets see i knew there was something else but what was it.......well crap i cant think of what it was o well.
well i remember now, i was wondering who posted the pic of the truck they drew, so that we could color it and see what ours would look like, and if they would be so kind as to put some diamond plated bed caps on it and some of those chrome tubes that go on them cuz i bought some and i want to see what they look like, and also .... well sh!t fire i forgot again o yea a tool box also and then could u post it or send it to me, thanks.
My 69Chevy C/10 Yee Boo
[This message has been edited by ChevyMonkey (edited April 01, 2002).]