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Old 02-11-2015, 03:27 PM   #12
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Re: 70 2wd Blazer Build "Jughead"

Originally Posted by Justin@EntropyRad View Post
Cool thread, but i've got a crick in my neck now :-)
Yeah, sorry about that, I think I will have it figured out by my next post.

Haven't done much new on it this week so far. Did get to the car wash and degrease the drivetrain and frame. Hopefully get a chance either this week or weekend to pull the engine and tranny. May have a deal going today to sell my 496 which I had planned to drop in there. Just feel like it is going to be too much for what I want to do with the Blazer. Probably going to beef up the 6.0 I have and put that in. Really been beating myself up on this decision. I have everything I need to put the BB in, including a FAST fuel injection system, but if this deal goes though, it's gonna go. Have been pricing the different coilover suspension options and I'm thinking that it's gonna be front and rear. Not 100% on it yet, but getting pretty close to making the decision.
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